Friday, September 15, 2017

P.S. from last week...

Mrs. Czubernat has taken a lot of pictures of our previous meets as well.  Rather than trying to pick and choose from them all, I thought you should all have the same access.  Go to: and enjoy! (You may need a shutterfly account to view.)
St. Francis Meet at Cantigny Park
Wheaton, IL

As you can see from the pictures above, Cantigny Park is a beautiful setting for a XC race.  The colors of the leaves are just starting to turn, though it felt more like summer than fall today.  We had a few of our runners out due to injuries and of course we're hoping that's just temporary, but those that did run did a great job.

(Times have been posted at the end of each section below.)

Our JV boys ran first...

Darryl finished 3rd overall!!!

Quang was close behind and finished in 5th overall.

Final Times:
Darryl - 18:43 (3rd place)
Quang - 19:40 (5th place)
Isaiah - 21:57 (13th place)
Aaron - 23:14 (18th place)
Chris  - 28:21 (31st place)

Two tired dudes
This year's coaches
Some of our fans!

Next up came our Varsity runners...

Chris finished 8th place overall.

Nate was next to cross the line for the team.

Our fearless threesome stuck together for most of the race.

These two also stuck together to urge each other on.

Final Times:
Chris - 18:35 (8th place)
[An 11-second improvement from last week]
Nate - 19:58 (18th place)
Xavier - 20:50 (22nd place)
 [A 27-second improvement from last week]
Raffael - 20:51 (23rd place)
 [A 49-second improvement from last week]
Steven  - 21:31 (24th place)
 [A 1-min, 15-second improvement from 5K]
Jonathan - 23:38 (29th place)
Lars - 23:28 (30th place)
Victor- 25:12 (32nd place) 

Look at all those medals!

According to the latest email, there is a small meet at Elmwood Park High School on Tuesday the 19th at 4:30.
See you then!

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