Saturday, November 16, 2013

Final Post of the Season!

Cross Country Banquet
November 14, 2013

We had a great time at the banquet this year.  It was ALMOST too crowded, but I think the group has become more like a family, and so no one really noticed too much.  (Though if we grow any more, I think we'll need to start looking for a new banquet location!).  We missed you, Peter and Michaela, but you were not forgotten.  Your awards were announced in your absence, so you were with us in spirit.  It was a fun way to end the season.  And Mr. Goffron made his expectation for next year quite clear:  Qualify for State as a boys team!  It sure will be fun watching them try (and I think they'll do it too!).  So the pressure is on.  :-)

Thanks to everyone who made it a special evening.  Thanks to Cathy B and Jurea W for giving us some great dessert options, and another thanks to Jurea for donating the candy, bags, DVD's, and DVD cases.  Thanks to Ale for putting all the gifts together and for making the DVD's.  Hopefully everyone was able to successfully view the season summary they received.

Enjoy the pics for this final time in 2013!

Did anyone else besides me think to themselves, "What's WCA?"  I still haven't gotten used to the name change!!  Ha, ha.  Thanks, Cathy for the brownies, and thanks Jurea for the cheese cake (not pictured).

(One of the few pictures you'll ever see of the photographer.  Anyone see it???)

Everyone received an award and/or recognition, but no, I did not get a shot of each person.


Our seniors (minus Peter, unfortunately).  You'll be missed!!!!

A special thanks to Mr. Goffron for his dedication to this group of kids.  Your sacrifices do not go by unnoticed.  Looking forward to next year!!!


For our die-hard runners who aren't willing to admit that the season is truly over, there is always the Annual Turkey Trot in Portage Park, Chicago.  Six members of our team opted to go, in spite of the drizzling rain.  We even had some parents participate!  Maybe these final pictures will encourage everyone else to attend next year!

(In case you're wondering, yes, it was cold and wet!!!!)

So there was a point in the morning when Mrs. Friederich took off and none of the team could catch her!!!!!  (Well, OK, maybe this was just a warm-up photo, but I couldn't resist that commentary.)

Not be be outdone by his wife, Mr. Friederich asked me to get a picture of him jumping over Jacob's head.  He made a attempt, but Mrs. F. mistakenly got in the way, so the first try was aborted.

I thought he had given up because Jacob noticed the commotion and he walked off in a different direction, so I put my camera down momentarily, only to realize he was coming in from another angle.  I was too late for the jump, but got the final step post-jump and Jacob's reaction.

At the starting line.

Eric was definitely still in competitive mode, wearing his Walther colors proudly!

Ignore the person close up and in the middle. This is actually a picture of Mr & Mrs Friederich!

At the 1/2 mile point.

This kid was actually trying to cut off Ale.  Someone forgot to tell him that she wasn't his competition because they are in different age groups. 

Coming into the finish...and winning a turkey for his efforts!!!

So you think he's regretting that he didn't compete this year?  Looking good!

And AGAIN, I missed a picture of Mr. Friederich!!  He snuck in somewhere between Steven and his wife.  Sorry!

We survived the Turkey Trot!

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