Monday, October 2, 2017

Lisle High School's 
Mane Event
September 30, 2017

     It was a beautiful day for a race...not anything like last Tuesday's heat.  According to (where you can find the official stats, by the way), this race was only 3 miles (2.4 for the frosh/soph groups) rather than the typical 3-mile race, which probably made this already difficult course a little bit easier to manage.  And in fact, according to the times, that appears to be the case.  We had a lot of personal bests today!  Way to go, everyone!
      Thanks to the mothers who contributed their pictures in my absense, by the way!!

     Lisle High School is right next to a park, so the course has some beautiful scenery along the way:

 Boys Frosh/Soph:

99 runners were in this race
Our runners for this race were Lars, Aaron, Jonathan, and Chris.


Lars was first to cross the line for our team.  He finished this 2.4 mile course in 16:27.  Lookin' good, Lars!

Aaron came next, completing the course in 16:56.  Great job!

Then came Jonathan, finishing in 17:13.  Super!

Chris crossed the line in 19:45.  Strong finish!

Addy couldn't run today, but she's still with us!

 Next up, Boys Varsity:



There were 130 runners in this race!

 Coming up the big hill...

 And before you knew it, they were at the finish line...
Darryl was in the top 50% of the runners and finished in a time of 17:46.  This was his fastest time ever.  Woohoo!

(I tried to insert a better picture of Nate here, and it didn't work. Not only that, but I can't locate the original one I had here.  So sorry, Nate!  I'll make up for it next time!)

Nate accomplished a personal best with a time of 18:17.  Super!

Jacob was only 3 seconds behind Nate, and he also got his personal best today. Wow!

Christian was only 2 seconds behind Jacob, finishing in 18:22...also a personal best.  Amazing!

Quang finished in 18:46, and yes, this was his personal best also.  Wowza!

Julio finished in 18:58.  Great job, Julio.  He's missed 5 races, so not bad for his first return!

 Finally, the boys open race...

This group consisted of Gus, Xavier, Raffael, Steven & Victor.  There were 154 runners in this event.

 Coming up to the finish line...
In the end, Xavier cross first for the Bronco, finishing in 19:13.  And yes, it was a personal best!
Gus crossed next.  His time was 19:21...a huge improvement from last week also!

Raffael finished in 19:34...again, a personal best!

And Steven wrapped it up in 19:43...and yes, that was also his personal best.

Victor crossed the line in 22:37...his best time ever also!

 The majority of our boys finished in the top 50%.  Well run, guys!

See you all next week in the Tiger invite at Elmwood Park High School at 9 a.m!

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