Friday, November 14, 2014

XC Banquet
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sigh.  It's always a bittersweet night.  Nobody really wants to admit that the season is over, but it is.  However, the running Broncos can hold their heads high as they have shown the school that they were the strongest sport during the fall season with both girls and boys qualifying for Sectionals and a girl going to State.  But it's funny how none of that seemed that important tonight.  Because I think we all know it's really about the relationships that are built during the season.  The laughter, tears, and inside jokes abound, and will continue on throughout the remainder of the school year.

Thanks again to Mr. Goffron for all of his efforts and for honoring the athletes in the way that he did.

It's been a great year!

 Enjoying the food and fellowship.

Time for awards and acknowledgement and a few good laughs!

Let's see how many of the awards I can remember (my recollection is not exhaustive by any means...just one per person!)

Most medals

Rookie of the year (girls)

Rookie of the Year (Boys)

Most improved (Boys)

For toughing it out!

Most improved(Boys)

Party Animal!!!

[I could not remember the name of Kobe's awards, so I asked Mr. G.  But of course I did not write down the answer at that time and promptly forgot it.  It had something to do with a mid-season signing, referring to Kobe's late arrival to the team.  But I'll just rename it to, "Tu eres fantastico!"  (because Kobe and I have enjoyed a few conversations in Spanish.)]

"He's with the trainer!"

We need you!!!

Most annoying sound

"He's (also) with the trainer!"

Most improved (Girls)

I finally know how to breathe while I run!

Mr. Consistent

Lead Bronco

Then we took a quick break for dessert before moving on to some fun awards and the honoring of our seniors.
Fake godfather awards
Our Seniors:
The golden bucket award

 Golden clipboards for our two team managers.

Emotions ran high tonight!

The golden cookie sheet award

Our Departing Seniors:

Our Departing Seniors plus a photo bomber

Coming down to Ale's size

Our Departing Seniors with Coach Goffron

The "Originals."  (Those who have been with Mr. Goffron since back in the day at the Lower School Academy)  And believe it or not, "back in the day" Ale was as tall as Eric and Jaylin and taller than David!

Plus Coach:

Great memories!!!!
Let's keep making them.

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