These are the runners from Walther who braved the chilly November weather to run in the Turkey Trot.
The Turkey Trot includes runners of ALL ages!
Stretching and warming up. Top four get a turkey. Who will be the lucky ones?
Waiting at the Starting Line.
They're off!!!
Kyle found first place right off the bat.
Coach was close behind.
(It was right about this time that my memory card informed me that it was full, so I had to delete several pictures instead of taking more pictures. Sorry.)
Kyle at the finish line...Yes! He won his turkey!
Coach won his turkey also.
(I missed some of our runners...I don't do so well when you're not wearing your bright yellow jerseys!)
And we even had another Garcia running today representing Walther Academy.
Cooling down after the race.
The top prize!
Jerry won another pie this year too.
And everyone else got a water bottle filled with goodies.
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!!!!